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The Ultimate EAE Guide Part 1 - Preparation

Credits to the many poly brochures and workshops used for this post!

· School,EAE

Write-Up Preparation

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Interview Preparation

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Write-up Preparation


- You need to write 3 different write-ups for 3 courses, but only one 1000-character writeup! (can paraphrase for similar courses) ​This is because all 3 schools can see all your write-ups, so it is bad if all your write-ups are the same.

- You can get more than one interview and offer, but your final offer will be chosen based on your ranking of choices (even if you are accepted in more than 1 course)

Steps to prepare for write-up

1. Research!!! Every course, regardless of similar names, will have different specialisations and electives so take a look and see what is best for you!

2. Shortlist 12 courses based on your interest and note down the name, ELR2B2 points and the poly for reference (this info is needed to fill up the application form)

3. Rank these courses by interest

4. The TOP 3 courses will be for your EAE

5. Rethink if the top 3 are best suited for you and re-rank, before doing the write-ups

What to write VS What not to write

What to write:

- Interest (What ignited the passion)

- Relevant activities (e.g. CCA, AEM, competitions)

- Activities beyond school (e.g. work experiences, internships, non-school volunteering)

- Aspirations and long term goals

- Talents and Achievements

- Relevant personal experiences

What NOT to write

- Personal particulars

- Subjects and results

- Generic information

- Introductions (e.g Business is a amazing world of interlinked connections that can. change the world...)

- Vague information

- What you will learn in the course

- Describing the course

- Irrelevant talents/ achievements

- Things that you are bad at

Writing your 600-character essay

Based on aptitude and passion - with relevant experiences, examples and achievements only! (Non-relevant write in the 1000-character essay)

Emphasise on what makes you unique!

Main 3 Points:

1. When/What/Who/How triggered my interest (Personal story)

2. Relevant experience/ Personal qualities (Use real life examples!)

3. Long term plans/ aspirations

Secondary points:

- Talents and achievements (related to the course)

- Relevant school-related activities (e.g. workshops, CCA, AEM, competitions)

- Relevant activities beyond school (e.g. work experience, internships, volunteering)

Writing your 1000-character essay

Based on talent and achievements - non relevant experiences/ achievements are written here (Mainly entrepreneurship, leadership, community service and art/sports. Other achievements are also accepted.)

There will be a question: Do you have any other achievements/ talents to highlight? Always click YES!

Most of the content for this can be copied from your report book/ CCA certificate!

DO NOT use short form (e.g. instead of NYAA, write National Youth Achievement Award)

Must support with real life examples/ events!

Format for writing: (Rank by most outstanding to least)

In year, I attended competition/course and achieved award/medal.

- CCA achievements

- Non-related achievements

- Personal experiences (e.g. work experience, volunteering)

Interview Preparation

What to prepare for portfolio

- Relevant certificates and awards (AEM, CCAs, Academic - can be found in report book)

- Relevant personal experiences and work samples (Support with evidence!)

- Participation in relevant workshops

- Recommendation letters (e.g. from coaches, bosses, instructors on relevant skills)

- Most recent Report Slip

- Polytechnic special certs (e.g. NP's Entrepreneurship Quiz which states that it can be used in your portfolio)

Bring your IC!

Print multiple copies In case the lecturer wants a copy. You can use this extra copy to guide the interviewers on your points.

And always arrive early!

Types of interviews

Panel interview - Interviewed with some other interviewees at the same time

1-1 interview - Interviewed individually

Group work - Working together with people you have never met before to submit a project

Aptitude test - Taking an individual test

Interview ethics

- Dress formally/ school uniform (No jewelry, perfume, loud colours and clip/tie your hair)

- Sit properly and do not fidget

- Body language (Smile, have eye contact and gesture appropriately)

- Do not badmouth other polys

- Do not use too much Singlish (especially for language courses)

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Grading of interview (May vary)

40% - Attitude

25% - Appearance

25% - Communication Skills

10% - Qualities

Aim to impress the interviewers! Ask good questions (not on the polytechnic's website) for a better impression.

Answering technique

Situation (What is happening)

Task that needed to be accomplished

Actins taken to perform task

Results of your actions

Tips and tricks for difficult/curveball questions (test for certain qualities)

- Ask to clarify to buy time

- Think/ ask for time before answering

Analysing questions

What is your biggest weakness? -> Trick question, used to demonstrate self awareness and analytic skills and the ability to improve

Best if you can view the weakness as a strength

Possible interview questions (and think how it relates to the course)

- Why did you put that poly course as 1st/2nd./3rd choice?

- Why did you choose this poly?

- What are some highlights in your life?

- What are some of your key learning life experiences?

- What are some achievements that you are proud of?

- What is your greatest achievement?

- What is your greatest strength?

- What do you believe is your professional weakness?

- What is your biggest weakness?

- What do you think this course is all about?

- Where do you see yourself in 5 years (after graduation)

- Tell me about your skills

- Tell me about a time when... (e.g. you had to handle a challenging co=worker/customer)

- Describe a time when you went beyond the call of duty

- Pretend you have similar achievements and results as the previous candidate. Why should we accept you over her?

- If you are rejected from this course, what other courses are you considering?

- Assuming your score isn't ideal, are you sure you can cope?

- Value that you have/ need for your course

- Any course related news you've heard about lately